The Diplomatic Council Think Tank has launched its first Startup Award 2020 called Start-up Leadership Award. The competition is open to all start-ups. The Winners will be announced at Diplomatic Council 2020 Gala Event on February 7, 2020 in Frankfurt where the winners will receive their Awards.
The objective of this Diplomatic Council Startup 2020 Award is to encourage innovative culture, promote the startups regardless of the phase they are in, and offer them an investor and mentoring platform. APPLY HERE.

Award Details
Following are the details of the Award:
Submit your start-up by January, 20, 2020 online with the APPLICATION FORM and send supporting information (e.g. company presentation) to startupdiplomatic-council [dot] org
Awards will be given in four categories:
- Startup Success: An individual or enterprise who can demonstrate the startup has a strong value proposition and the potential to become a success in its targeted domain.
- Startup Role Model: An individual or enterprise who has made significant contribution to the startup scene and has demonstrated in last years exceptional entrepreneurship, leadership and capability to execute.
- Startup Special Award: An individual or enterprise who has made significant contribution to the growth and success of startup culture and mindset.
- Student (planned for next year event)
- Minimum of three students of age 16 and above can participate. Student under the age of 16 must submit their parent’s consent.
- Idea and concept will be evaluated based on creativity, strategical thinking, entrepreneurship, and motivation.
- The team will receive the Diplomatic Council Innovative Students Award and will be welcomed to the Annual Diplomatic Council Gala Event.
- The team will have the option, if they wish, to present their concept to the investor forum of Diplomatic Council after they are 18.
The Jury will is nominated by Diplomatic Council Think Tank and includes personalities from Economy, Technology, Politics and Startup Scene.
Key Dates
Submission nominations by January 20, 2020, sending your information to startupdiplomatic-council [dot] org.
Announcement of the winners at the Diplomatic Council Gala on February, 7, 2020 in Frankfurt/Germany.
Application form
Please fill out the
and send supporting documents (e.g. company presentation) to startupdiplomatic-council [dot] org