
Gala Netherlands
Diplomatic Council Netherlands Opening

The opening of the Diplomatic Council Mission Netherlands was a splendid gala event, organised by the Head of Mission Rob J. Heijtink and Edward van Beek. Rob Heijting gave a good overview of the state and prospects of e-mobility for strengthening sustainability. Edward van Beek gave a good overview of the Pwer Foundation, with which the Diplomatic Council in the Netherlands is working closely and which co-hosted the evening.

Hang Nguyen, Secretary General of the Diplomatic Council, gave a great overview of the organisation's diverse activities. The Diplomatic Council is based on three pillars: global think tank, worldwide business network and charity foundation. Numerous members from several countries travelled to the gala in Rotterdam. She explained in detail how the Diplomatic Council works closely with the United Nations and how members benefit from this.

Jochen Richter gave a convincing and well-informed presentation of the new book ‘Europe and the Emerging New Global Order’, which he co-edited with Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kreft and Dr. Horst Walther and published by the Diplomatic Council. Twenty-one authors from numerous countries contributed to the work. In Rotterdam, a 22nd was added. Claude Piel, a consul who has been involved in the Diplomatic Council for many years, will contribute a chapter on the topic ‘Fight for Water’ to the French edition, which is currently being prepared.

The Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Netherlands provided an interesting insight into international diplomacy that evening. It was a great memory of the founding ambassador of the Diplomatic Council, H.E. Buddhi Athauda, Ambassador (Ret.), whose diplomatic career later took him to Paris and the United States. He launched the Diplomatic Council together with Hang Nguyen and Andreas Dripke, who now serves as Global Chairman, in the Peace Palace in The Hague.

The ballet performances of Edward van Beek's two daughters, who are both highly talented, were a delight to watch. Along with the beautiful music, they provided a great counterbalance to the intellectually demanding speeches. The same applies to the expertly guided tour of the Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, where the gala took place, to admire the impressive exhibits.

The presentation of the social projects in Africa and Sri Lanka was equally convincing. It became clear that the aim is not just to throw a glamorous party, but above all to provide effective help for people in need all around the world.