
Dr. Thomas Durchlaub
Dr. Thomas Durchlaub

Business Ambassador Dr. Thomas Durchlaub is characterized by courage, decisiveness, competency, entrepreneurship and a unique way of conceptual thinking taking into consideration the large-scale connections combined with a strong humanity. He is present on the international stage as well as in Bochum, his home town in Germany. While he has a global foresight and extraordinary analytical skills, he has maintained a strong local attachment to Germany which is a great enrichment for a global think tank. He is a well-known guest author writing for major newspapers and business magazines like the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Business Week and Finance.

Dr. Thomas Durchlaub studied law and completed his exams as a Dipl.-Jurist and achieved a doctorate in law with summa cum laude. Afterwards he finished a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Wales (Great Britain). He continued his qualifications as Compliance Officer, Compliance Auditor und Money-Laundering Prevention Officer and started concentrating on special areas such as commercial and tax law.

At present, he is supporting the haas und partner rechtsanwälte steuerberater in Bochum as a partner, lawyer and notary. He also holds the position as board member of the Deutsche Anwaltsinstitut (German Institute of Lawyers) and is heading the Exzenterhaus Businessclub, which he founded, as president. The Exzenterhaus is said to be the most exclusive building in Bochum with the most beautiful view over the Ruhrgebiet.

In his position as Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador, Dr. Thomas Durchlaub is delighted to invite all members to his monthly club evenings in the Exzenterhaus which is usually open only to club members. The Exzenterhaus Businessclub is said to be one the most exclusive business clubs in Germany with the most beautiful view over the entire Ruhr area.