Thought Leadership

Under the title DC Quantum Leap, the Diplomatic Council (DC) has launched an initiative aimed at raising awareness in society, business, and politics about the significant changes brought about by quantum technology. Contrary to the common belief that this technology is still a distant prospect, quantum computing will begin to show its impact in the coming years. The first effects are already visible today.
Themes related to quantum technology:
· Opportunities and risks of quantum technology for the development of humanity.
· Utilization of quantum technology to improve the quality of life for humanity. Examples include:
o Climate Research: Early and more accurate predictions of extreme weather events to enable timely protective and emergency measures for affected populations.
o Medical Technology: Traditional methods like computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for visualizing the human body may soon be replaced by quantum sensing techniques, offering much better and more meaningful representations and diagnoses.
o Material Science: Simulating molecules and materials can lead to the discovery of new materials with superior properties, such as more efficient batteries or medicines.
o Artificial Intelligence: Quantum computers can accelerate the development of artificial intelligence and create new algorithms by providing much more computational power. The combination of AI and quantum computing presents an opportunity for numerous new developments aimed at improving the quality of life for humanity.
· Preparing for a "Quantum Crisis": All data protected by traditional encryption methods could eventually be decrypted by quantum computing. This would expose state and corporate secrets to cybercriminals who could steal and read these data, leading to a catastrophic situation. Therefore, states, international institutions, and businesses must begin quickly to make their data quantum-safe. Critical infrastructures such as the financial sector, logistics, and public utilities should be prioritized in this effort.
· Quantum Cloud Computing (Quantum-as-a-Service): Offering quantum computing resources via cloud solutions so that even less developed countries can access this new technology, even if they do not yet have their own quantum computing centers on-site. This also includes providing quantum-safe encryption methods for these countries.
It is crucial that the international community, the business sector, and civil society understand the vast potential of quantum technology in order to prepare for the right approach to this next stage of the computerization of our world. In this regard, the DC Quantum Leap initiative by the Diplomatic Council brings together key players and paves the way for quantum technology to move from research and development labs into the real world of people.