Currently, the electricity grids are not prepared for mass motorization with e-cars in any countries. The power consumption of an average family is going to double with an e-car.
Blackout preprogrammed
Millions of e-cars on the roads would lead to a breakdown of the electricity grid. If all car parks were equipped with a socket at each parking lot, we would face a total blackout. The implementation of a power grid for millions of e-cars would cost millions of Euros – no one would know the exact amount. The fast charging of an e-car within two hours requires a socket with more than 22 Kilowatt – if you use it for a private garage you need to gain approval by the regional energy supplier. A normal household usually requires 5 Kilowatt. But even if you would use a normal 220-volt socket which would suffice for loading overnight – loading millions of cars this way would still overstrain the power grid.
Smart Grid
A gradual implementation of a smart grid is the only solution to ensure millions of e-cars are supplied with power.
No standard yet
At the November 15 event, Mainova – one of the largest German regional energy supplier – will report about the enormous political and social challenges related to e-mobility. One thing is certain: It is not sufficient to produce fancy e-cars with high ranges – it is equally important to set up an energy infrastructure. However, worldwide there is no such infrastructure yet.
A Diplomatic Council Fast Charging Station will be exhibited at the November 15 event.