Maxime Boyer
DC Head of Mission France, Mr. Maxime Boyer, has succeeded in ensuring that a Diplomatic…
Frank Obrist
Diplomatic Council (DC) member Jean Pütz, together with DC Chairman Andreas Dripke, has…
Jochen M. Richter
The Diplomatic Council has launched a new Global Security Forum to inspire companies and…
UNO Genf
Members of the Diplomatic Council have the opportunity to take part in the 27th session of the…
Silicon Valley Europe
The Silicon Valley Europe initiative has joined the Diplomatic Council as a new member. At the…
Harald A. Summa
The quantum leap in artificial intelligence has taken most people and companies by surprise.…
Michael Gutowski
Diplomatic Council Advisory & Professional Services (DCAPS) combine management consulting…
Temos Seals
For many years, the Diplomatic Council has provided an important building block in the global…