
New Cooperation with ProtocolToday

The Diplomatic Council has entered into a strategic cooperation with ProtocolToday. The new partner, based in The Hague, The Netherlands, is an expert organisation in international protocol, diplomacy, soft skills, business etiquette, and international cultural intelligence and offers customised, solution-based training programs in the public and private sectors.

Globalisation is changing the world in every aspect. Traditional industrial economies are transforming into entrepreneurial economies.

Leaders need to develop global mindset skills, e.g. the skills needed to create, maintain and manage deep relationships with people from different cultures and with different values. Local companies are becoming international and must deal, directly or indirectly, with foreign business partners, clients, colleagues, stakeholders, agents, employees, etc., which requires strong soft and hard skills. In the entrepreneurial economy, companies are driven by the abilities of executives to communicate, collaborate and co-create in an international and dynamic environment.

ProtocolToday is fully equipped to facilitate and support executives and organisations in the private and public sectors in mastering global mindset skills to cooperate efficiently with executives and organisations worldwide.

For any inquiries please contact the Diplomatic Council Secretariat General.