How Diplomatic Council Member Consteeld helped after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster By…
Frank Obrist
Diplomatic Council member Frank Obrist is CEO of the Obrist Group* "Every mile a car…
Jochen with Students
by Diplomatic Council Member Jochen M. Richter After months of preparation, I travel to…
China EU
By Diplomatic Council member Karlheinz Zuerl* Current study by the European…
Jane Enny van Lambalgen
By Diplomatic Council member Jane Enny van Lambalgen* Companies and consumers will have…
At the UN
The Diplomatic Council has been granted by the United Nations the highest status that can be…
The three founders
The Diplomatic Council was established as a Global Think Tank with the objective to serve as a…
Jochen M. Richter
By DC member Jochen M. Richter Ahead of the European Council meeting mid-December, the…