SDG Summit 2023
High-level political forum on sustainable development Convened under the auspices of the…
Dr. Péter Györkös
Below is the speech of the Hungarian Ambassador, Dr. Péter Györkös, as he delivered it at the…
Karl-Georg Schlesinger
Resource Abundance through Nuclear Technology in Space - a technical Solution to a moral…
Maxime Boyer
Maxime Boyer, 38-year-old,  is a distinguished individual with a diverse range of…
Vietnam Logistics
Article by Karlheinz Zuerl* In recent years, the supply chain in Vietnam has contributed to…
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kreft
Keynote address by Ambassador Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kreft, long-time President of the…
Karlheinz Zuerl
China+1 Strategy: Focus on Business Development in Vietnam Status of Automation in the…
Elon Musk
U.S. billionaires like Elon Musk have developed global business models that go far beyond the…