DC Quantum Leap
Under the title DC Quantum Leap, the Diplomatic Council (DC) has launched an initiative…
Dr. Christoph Heusgen
In the run-up to the Munich Security Conference (MSC), the Diplomatic Council presents an…
Jochen M. Richter
by Jochen M. Richter, Chairman Diplomatic Council Global Security Forum Meet Jochen M.…
Harald Müller
By Diplomatic Council member Harald Müller* In European political circles, the…
Thorsten Rixmann
by Diplomatic Council member Thorsten Rixmann* The question of banning combustion engines…
It is not only the quantity, but above all the quality of the armament since the beginning of…
Donald Trump
Under the new US President, Donald Trump, the United Nations will not flourish any more easily…
Elon Musk
Elon Musk undoubtedly belongs to a small group of exceptional entrepreneurs, such as Bill…