
Diplomatic Council Malaysia launch

With great success the Diplomatic Council (DC) has launched a new Mission in Malaysia. New Ambassador as well as business members met in a private atmosphere to learn more about the Diplomatic Concil`s global footprint. The Diplomatic Council co-founder and Chairman Andreas Dripke and Secretary General Hang Nguyen travelled from the headquarters in Europe to welcomed the new members and to present the organisation. Each new member received an individualized DC Status Card and a DC Needle of Honor in a festive procedure.


The world's most famous opera houses at the Summer Celebration

The world’s most famous theaters photographed from the stage – we will be able to adore Klaus Frahm’s photos at the summer celebration since a unique selection of his best works will be displayed at the Schlosshotel Kronberg.

Shot from the stage looking toward the audience, the photos show the contrast of ornate auditoriums and the technological scaffolding that enable the theatrical production. Klaus Frahm perfectly captures the rarely seen side of theaters. In particular, he is well-known for his image series "The Fourth Wall"


Croatia at the Summer Celebration

Quo vadis Europa? Dr. sc. Gordan Grlić Radman, ambassador of Croatia to Germany, will deliver his thoughts and views on this important topic at the Diplomatic Council summer celebration on June 28. Despite all the challenges and problems the European Union faces, Croatia remains a strong defender of the visions and values of Europe and believes in a bright future of Europe.  His pro-European attitude was one of the reasons he received the Public Diplomacy Award jointly created by the Diplomatic Council and its partner Diplomat Magazine The Hague.


Diplomatic Council Executive Club 2019

In line with tradition, the Diplomatic Council Executive Club will take place on June 28 in the afternoon before the festive Summer Celebration. Gold and silver members would meet from 2pm to 5pm to listen to exciting presentations, to discuss relevant topics and to get to know each other better. A very long coffee break is scheduled so participants have sufficient time for intensive exchange.



Singapore Yacht Extravaganze

On the occasion of the visit of Diplomatic Council Co-founders Mrs. Hang Nguyen und Mr. Andreas Dripke to Singapore, Ms. Irene Ho, Head of Mission Singapore, arranged for a yacht get-together with ambassadors and business members. The first-class and relaxed ambience on the boat offered the perfect setting for establishing new contacts, deepening existing relationships, exchanging ideas and discussing potential projects. The personalities present indulge in the culinary delights while enjoying different tastes of fantastic wines.


Diplomatic Council launches Smart City Initiative

The Diplomatic Council, a global think tank, a world leading business network and a charitable foundation in consultative status with the United Nations, is preparing the launch of a Smart City Initiative.


Safer Internet for Children at UN

Diplomatic Council members and partners show a new app to give children a secure environment at their smartphone. The Safetonet app is presented at the annual session of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna.

The Internet has changed our lives dramatically.


Alliance for Non-violent Sports

In today’s world, sports are an important component of society. To no small extent, sports contribute to people’s joy and quality of life and impart important values such as fairness, tolerance, teamwork and commitment. They reinforce societal ties and simultaneously present a mirror of society.

Thought Leadership

The ‚no future‘ generation

The right to complain

by Dr. Horst Walther, Diplomatic Council Commissioner to the United Nations